SDMX in EViews

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List of all the datasets of INSEE

BALANCE-PAIEMENTSBalance of payments
CHOMAGE-TRIM-NATIONALUnemployment, unemployment rate and halo by sex and age (ILO)
CLIMAT-AFFAIRESBusiness climate composite indicators
CNA-2010-CONSO-MENHouseholds' consumption - Results by product, function and durability
CNA-2010-CONSO-SIFinal consumption expenditure by institutional sectors - Results by transaction and product
CNA-2010-CPEBProduction and operating accounts by branch
CNA-2010-CSIInstitutional sectors accounts - Annual results
CNA-2010-DEP-APUGeneral government expenditure - Result by function and operation
CNA-2010-DETTE-APUMaastricht general government debt and public deficit
CNA-2010-EMPLOIDomestic employment, hours worked and hourly productivity
CNA-2010-EREResources-uses balance - Results by transaction and product
CNA-2010-FBCF-BRANCHEGross fixed capital formation (GFCF) by branch
CNA-2010-FBCF-SIGross fixed capital formation (GFCF) by institutional sectors - Results by product
CNA-2010-PAT-NFBalance sheet accounts for non-financial assets - Outstanding amount, consumption of fixed capital
CNA-2010-PIBGross domestic product (GDP) and its components - Annual results
CNA-2010-RDBHouseholds' disposable income and purchasing power - Results by household, person and consumption unit
CNA-2010-TEITable of intermediate inputs - Results by sector and product
CNA-2010-TOFFinancial accounts - Flows and stocks of assets, change in financial assets by institutional sector
CNA-2014-CONSO-MENHouseholds' consumption
CNA-2014-CONSO-SIFinal consumption expenditure by institutional sectors
CNA-2014-CPEBProduction and operating accounts by branch
CNA-2014-CSIInstitutional sectors accounts
CNA-2014-DEP-APUGeneral government expenditure
CNA-2014-DETTE-APUMaastricht general government debt and public deficit
CNA-2014-EMPLOIDomestic employment, hours worked and hourly productivity
CNA-2014-EREResources-uses balance
CNA-2014-FBCF-BRANCHEGross fixed capital formation (GFCF) by branch
CNA-2014-FBCF-SIGross fixed capital formation (GFCF) by institutional sectors
CNA-2014-PAT-NFBalance sheet accounts for non-financials assets
CNA-2014-PIBGross domestic product (GDP) and its components
CNA-2014-RDBHouseholds' disposable income and purchasing power
CNA-2014-TEITable of intermediate inputs
CNA-2014-TOFFinancial accounts
CNA-2020-CONSO-MENHouseholds' consumption
CNA-2020-CONSO-SIFinal consumption expenditure by institutional sectors
CNA-2020-CPEBProduction and operating accounts by branch
CNA-2020-CSIInstitutional sectors accounts
CNA-2020-EMPLOIDomestic employment, hours worked and hourly productivity
CNA-2020-EREResources-uses balance
CNA-2020-FBCF-SIGross fixed capital formation (GFCF) by institutional sectors
CNA-2020-PIBGross domestic product (GDP) and its components
CNA-2020-TEITable of intermediate inputs
CNT-2010-CBBranch accounts - Quarterly Results
CNT-2010-CSIInstitutional sector accounts - Quarterly Results
CNT-2010-OPERATIONSOperations on goods and services - Quarterly Results
CNT-2010-PIB-EQB-RFGross domestic product balance - Quarterly Results
CNT-2014-CBBranch accounts
CNT-2014-CSIInstitutional sector accounts
CNT-2014-OPERATIONSOperations on goods and services
CNT-2014-PIB-EQB-RFGross domestic product balance
CNT-2020-CBBranch accounts
CNT-2020-CSIInstitutional sector accounts
CNT-2020-OPERATIONSOperations on goods and services
CNT-2020-PIB-EQB-RFGross domestic product balance
COEFF-EURO-FRANCCurrency conversion coefficient
COM-EXTForeign trade of France
COMPTES-ETATCentral government operations
CONSO-MENAGES-2010Households' consumption expenditure on goods - Monthly results
CONSO-MENAGES-2014Households' consumption expenditure on goods
CONSO-MENAGES-2020Households' consumption expenditure on goods
CONSTRUCTION-LOCAUXConstruction of non-residential buildings
CONSTRUCTION-LOGEMENTSConstruction of residential buildings
CREATIONS-ENTREPRISES-METHODE-2022Enterprises birth - Method 2022
DECES-MORTALITEDeath and mortality
DETTE-NEGOCIABLE-ETATCentral government debt
DETTE-TRIM-APUMaastricht general government debt
DETTE-TRIM-APU-2014Maastricht general government debt
DETTE-TRIM-APU-2020Maastricht general government debt
EMPLOI-BIT-TRIMActivity, employment, underemployment according to the ILO definition and other labour market indicators
EMPLOI-SALARIE-TRIM-NATIONALEstimates of salaried employment by business sector
ENQ-CONJ-ACT-INDOutlook survey in goods-producing industries
ENQ-CONJ-ART-BATOutlook survey in the building crafts sector
ENQ-CONJ-COM-DETOutlook survey in retail trade and trade and repair of motor vehicles
ENQ-CONJ-COM-GROSOutlook survey in wholesaling
ENQ-CONJ-IND-BATOutlook survey in the building construction industry
ENQ-CONJ-INV-INDIndustrial investment
ENQ-CONJ-MENAGESConsumer confidence survey
ENQ-CONJ-PROMO-IMMOOutlook survey in the real-estate development
ENQ-CONJ-SERVOutlook survey in services
ENQ-CONJ-TPOutlook survey in public works
ENQ-CONJ-TRES-INDEconomic outlook survey on cash-flow in industry
ERI-ACTIVITE-PARTIELLETdB - ERI -Partial activity in establishments
IC-PROD-CONS-2010Producer costs indices for construction - Results by business sector
IC-PROD-CONS-2015Producer costs indices for construction
IC-PROD-CONS-2021Producer costs indices for construction
ICA-2005-COM-SERVTurnover index in trade and services
ICA-2005-EMAGSATurnover index in large-scale food retail activities (EMAGSA)
ICA-2005-IND-CONSTurnover index in industry and construction - Grouped and detailed business sector
ICA-2010-COMMERCESales volume in wholesale and retail trade - Wholesale trade, retail trade, repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles
ICA-2010-EMAGSATurnover index in large-scale food retail activities (EMAGSA)
ICA-2010-IND-CONSTurnover index in industry and construction - Grouped and detailed business sectors
ICA-2010-SERVICEServices production index
ICA-2015-COMMERCETurnover index in wholesale and retail trade
ICA-2015-EMAGSATurnover index in large-scale food retail activities
ICA-2015-IND-CONSTurnover index in industry and construction
ICA-2015-SERVICESServices turnover index
ICA-2021-COMMERCETurnover index in wholesale and retail trade
ICA-2021-IND-CONSTurnover index in industry and construction
ICA-2021-SERVICESServices turnover index
ICHT-2008Hourly labour cost index
ICT-2012Labour cost index (LCI) - Detailed results
ICT-2016Labour cost index
ICT-2020Labour cost index
ILC-ILAT-ICCIndices to review a commercial or professional lease
INDEX-BT-TP-DIV-ANCIENNES-BASESBuilding, civil engineering and various indices for construction
INDEX-BT-TP-DIV-IM-2010Building, civil engineering and various indices for construction
INDICE-TRAITEMENT-FPState civil service gross salary index
INDICES_LOYERSIndications of the rents - Base 2019
IP-PROD-CONS-N-HAB-2010Producer price index for construction of new residential buildings
IP-PROD-CONS-N-HAB-2015Producer price index for construction of new residential buildings
IP-PROD-CONS-N-HAB-2021Producer price index for construction of new residential buildings
IPAGRIAgricultural price indices - IPPAP, IPGA, IPAMPA
IPAGRI-BASE-2015Agricultural price indices
IPAGRI-BASE-2020Agricultural price indices
IPC-1970-1980Consumer price index
IPC-1990Consumer price index
IPC-1998Consumer price index - Results by groupings of products
IPC-2015Consumer price index
IPC-PM-2015Average retail prices
IPCH-2005Harmonised index of consumer prices - Results by product
IPCH-2015Harmonised index of consumer prices
IPEA-2010Dwellings maintenance and improvement price index (IPEA) - Producer price
IPEA-2015Buildings maintenance and improvement price index
IPEA-2021Buildings maintenance and improvement price index
IPGD-1998Large and predominantly-food stores price index
IPGD-2015Large and predominantly-food stores price index
IPI-2005Industrial production index - Results by business sector
IPI-2010Industrial production index - Results by business sector
IPI-2015Industrial production index
IPI-2021Industrial production index
IPLA-IPLNA-2010Price indices of the new housing and indicate Solicitors-Insee of the prices of the old housing
IPLA-IPLNA-2015Price indices of the new housing and indicate Solicitors-Insee of the price of the old housing
IPPI-2005Industrial producer and import price indices
IPPI-2010Industrial producer and import price indices
IPPI-2015Industrial producer and import price indices
IPPI-2021Industrial producer and import price indices
IPPMPRaw materials price indices and international prices
IPPMP-NFRaw materials price indices and international prices
IPPS-2010Services producer price indices
IPPS-2015Services producer price indices
IPPS-2021Services producer price indices
IPS-2015-SERVICESServices production index
IPS-2021-SERVICESServices production index
IRLIndex to review a residential rent
MARIAGES-NUPTIALITE-PACS-DIVORCESMarriages, nuptiality and Civil Solidarity Pacts
NAISSANCES-FECONDITEBirths and fertility
ODD-CONSOMMATION-PRODUCTIONSustainable Development Goal n°12 : Consumption and responsible production
ODD-EAU-PROPRE-ASSAINISSEMENTSustainable Development Goal n°6 : Clean water and sanitation
ODD-EDUCATION-QUALITESustainable development goal n°4 : Quality education
ODD-EGALITE-SEXESSustainable Development Goal n°5 : Gender equality
ODD-ENERGIE-PROPRE-COUT-ABORDABLESustainable development goal n°7 : Clean and affordable energy
ODD-ERADICATION-PAUVRETESustainable Development Goal n°1 : Poverty eradication
ODD-INFRASTRUCTURES-RESILIENTES-INNOVATIONSustainable Development Goal n°9 : Resilient infrastructure and innovation
ODD-LUTTE-CHANGEMENT-CLIMATIQUESustainable Development Goal n°13 : Measure to combat climate change
ODD-PAIX-JUSTICE-INSTITUTIONS-EFFICACESSustainable development goal n°16 : Peace, justice and efficient institutions
ODD-PARTENARIATS-REALISATIONSustainable Development Goal n°17 : Partnerships for the achievement of objectives
ODD-REDUCTION-INEGALITESSustainable Development Goal n°10 : Reducing inequalities
ODD-SANTE-BIEN-ETRESustainable Development Goal n°3 : Health and wellbeing
ODD-SECURITE-ALIMENTAIRE-AGRICULTURE-DURABLESustainable development goal n°2 : Food security and sustainable agriculture
ODD-TRAVAIL-CROISSANCESustainable Development Goal n°8 : Decent work and sustainable growth
ODD-VIE-AQUATIQUESustainable Development Goal n°14 : Life below water
ODD-VIE-TERRESTRESustainable development goal n°15 : Earthly life
ODD-VILLES-COMMUNAUTES-DURABLESSustainable development goal n°11 : Cities and sustainable communities
PARC-LOGEMENTSAnnual Estimates of the Housing Stock (EAPL)
POPULATION-STRUCTUREPopulation and population structure
REVALORISATION-PENSIONSCPI for calculating alimony payments
SALAIRES-ACEMOQuarterly wages indices in the private sector - Results by business sector
SALAIRES-ACEMO-2017Quaterly wages indices in the private sector
SERIES_BDMBDM time series
SERIES_LOYERSVariation of the rents
SMIC-COTISATIONSContribution rate and Guaranteed minimum wages
TAUX-CHOMAGELocalised unemployment rates
TCRED-AGRICULTURE-CHEP-AGRILivestock in farm holdings
TCRED-CONDITIONSDEVIE-APE-PECCriminal cases and imprisoned population
TCRED-CONDITIONSDEVIE-NMU-MOHNumber of Musées de France museums and historic monuments
TCRED-CONDITIONSDEVIE-TXP-CDETurnout in the first round of elections
TCRED-CONSTRUCTION-LOCAUXConstruction of premises
TCRED-ECONOMIE-DEP-RECExpenditures and revenue of regions
TCRED-ECONOMIE-PIB-REGGross domestic products
TCRED-ECONOMIE-PIB-REG-2014Gross domestic products
TCRED-ECONOMIE-VAB-REG-2014Gross value added
TCRED-EDUCATION-APP-JENApprenticeship of young persons
TCRED-EDUCATION-EFF-PSSPrimary and secondary level and educational headcount
TCRED-EDUCATION-ENS-PSDTeachers of the first and the second degrees
TCRED-EDUCATION-ETAB-SCOLPrimary and secondary level educational establishments
TCRED-EDUCATION-REU-BACSuccess in the various high school diplomas
TCRED-EMPLOI-31-DECEMBREEmployment on December 31
TCRED-EMPLOI-31-DECEMBRE-BASE-2018Employment on December 31 - 2018 base
TCRED-EMPLOI-SALARIE-TRIMEstimates of salaried employment by business sector
TCRED-ENTREPRISES-EFF-OPEPublic bodies and business headcount
TCRED-ENTREPRISES-EMP-SAL-AN-TAILLEPaid employment by type of business
TCRED-SALAIRES-REVENUS-MENHouseholds' disposable income
TCRED-SALAIRES-REVENUS-RET-BENPensioners and recipients of minimum old age
TCRED-SALAIRES-REVENUS-REV-SAL-SEXE-CSAverage annual wage income, by socioprofessional groups and gender
TCRED-SALAIRES-REVENUS-STRUCTURE-RDBBreakdown of disposable income
TCRED-SALAIRES-REVENUS-TNBNumber and rate of beneficiaries of various social-security benefits
TCRED-SANTE-ACCUEIL-PERS-AGEESAccommodation for the elderly
TCRED-SANTE-EQUIP-HOPHospital equipment
TCRED-SANTE-EQUIP-SPEEquipment ratio by medical speciality
TCRED-TRAVAIL-EMPLOI-EFF-FPEState civil service headcount
TCRED-TRAVAIL-EMPLOI-EFF-FPHHospital civil service headcount
TCRED-TRAVAIL-EMPLOI-EFF-FPTLocal civil service headcount
TCRED-TRAVAIL-EMPLOI-TCHOMA-SALocalised unemployment rates by gender, on annual average
TOURISME-FRANCE-METHODE-REDRESSEMENT-2019Tourism occupancy (overnight stays and arrivals)
TRANSPORTSFreight, passengers and other transportation indicators - Vehicle registrations
VOV-2015-COMMERCESales volume in wholesale and retail trade
VOV-2021-COMMERCESales volume in wholesale and retail trade
CGDDette de l État
CGOComptes de l État
CPIIndice des prix à la consommation
FSIIndice de prix des logements
GGDDette des administrations publiques
GGOComptes des administrations publiques
INDIndice de la production industrielle
METCommerce extérieur
NAG_GNAComptes nationaux
PPIIndice des prix de production de l industrie
WOESalaires - Revenus